Exploring the Physical World

72nd Annual Meeting of the International Board: Frontiers of the Universe

• TAGS: Community, Astrophysics, Physics, Space


In this special session, Prof. Avishay Gal-Yam, Weizmann’s supernova hunter, takes us to the Frontiers of the Universe: one of the Institute’s new flagship projects. From studying the tiniest subatomic particles to the far reaches of the galaxy, this initiative aims to put the Institute at the very forefront of advanced physics research – and even into space.

This video introduces us to scientists such as Prof. Ran Budnik, who explains dark matter in an understandable way and describes the global Xenon project that aims to find it. Profs. Roee Ozeri, Eli Waxman, and others present ULTRASAT, the Weizmann-designed satellite that will use the UV range to study the universe in action.

William Shatner even makes an appearance.