Improving Health & Medicine

Weizmann Global Gathering 2014: Partners in Innovation, Dr. Gad Asher

• TAGS: Biochemistry, Biology, Philanthropy

It’s a good thing he is giving his presentation at the Global Gathering’s Partners in Innovation session in the morning, says Dr. Gad Asher, because that’s the time of day when our ability to pay attention is at its peak. His talk, called “The Time, The Time: Who’s Got the Time?,” explains his research on circadian clocks and how they are connected to metabolism.

We all have circadian clocks – also called biological clocks – in our bodies, but there’s not just one: every cell has its own clock! And the body sets its own timetable – that’s why some people are morning people, some are night owls, etc. Organs that are tied to these clocks affect how we respond to stimuli; for example, Dr. Asher points out, if you need to go to the dentist, make the appointment for 2 p.m. – that’s when our bodies are the least sensitive to pain. Apparently our circadian clocks are even more important than we thought!